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Edit Labels in Deck Editor

Learn how to manage and edit existing Labels within your 3D Slides.

Updated over 11 months ago


You can now create your own Labels on 3D Slides within the Layers of your 3D Models to identify key areas such as infrastructure, names of places, and main areas of interest like zones and projects.

This article outlines the various ways to adjust the Labels you create, including adjusting the placement of a Label within your 3D Slides and editing the text and font size of your Label. To create a new Label, check out this article.

While some aspects of Labels will continue to be managed by the VRIFY team, creating and editing your own Labels will allow you to make quick and easy changes to your 3D Model Labels.

Video Overview

Step-by-Step Instructions

Note that any Label that you create or modify on a 3D Model will apply to any other slides across all other Decks that use the 3D model you're editing.

Follow steps 1-5 to locate the Label you want to update. Then, jump ahead to the step-by-step instructions relevant to what you are trying to edit.

  1. Log in to

  2. Click Admin from the top menu.

  3. Locate and select the Deck you want to edit.

  4. Click on the 3D Slide you want to add a Label to:

  5. On the top right corner of the screen, click Edit Slide:

  6. Jump ahead to the steps relevant to your desired changes:

Edit Label Location

  1. To adjust where your label is, click the point in which the Label's flagpole meets the Model:

  2. Once the Label is selected, you can move your cursor around and adjust the zoom of the camera angle as needed.

  3. Then, click to place the Label in the new location.

Edit Label Name

  1. Select the Label you want to edit. This can be done in two ways:

    1. Through the 3D Model Layer Sidebar:

      1. On the Layer sidebar on the right side of the screen, scroll to find the Text Layer you want to edit.

      2. Click on the Text Layer to select that Label:

    2. Through the Slide Editor:

      1. Click on the Label you want to edit:

  2. Edit the text as desired

  3. Hit Enter or Return on your keyboard to apply the change.

  4. Click Save or Save As to save the change.

Toggle a Label's flagpole on or off

  1. Click on the Label you want to edit the flagpole for to display the editing options:

  2. Next, click the Label icon next to the font size menu:

    1. When the flagpole is toggled off, the flagpole icon shows as black and the flagpole connecting the Label to the terrain is hidden:

  3. Click Save or Save As to save the changes.

Increase or decrease a Label's font size

  1. Click on the Label you want to edit the flagpole for to display the editing options:

  2. Next, click on the font size menu and select a new font size from the drop-down. Alternatively, type in the desired font size and hit Enter on your keyboard.

  3. Continue adjusting the font size until the size of the Label looks balanced with the camera angles that will show the Label.

  4. Click Save or Save As to save the changes.

Edit the Layer a Label is nested under

Labels are nested under the Layer of the 3D Model it is added to, indicated on the Layer sidebar on the right side of the screen. If you have placed the Label under the wrong Layer, follow the steps below:

  1. Start by deleting the Layer that was placed incorrectly.

    1. Depending on the complexity of the Label's text, it can help to copy the text to your clipboard prior to deleting it in order to paste the Label's text into the new Label.

  2. Locate the Layer the Label should be applied to and nested under.

    1. In cases where you have many discreet Layers, in order to get your new Label positioned on the correct Layer of your 3D Model it can help to temporarily hide the other Layers that might be obstructing the Layer you are trying to nest a Label under.

    1. Check that the new Label was created on the intended Layer through the Layers list on the right side of the editor:

  3. Click Save or Save As to save the changes.

Show or hide a Label

  1. Select the Layer you want to Show/Hide by clicking the corresponding eye icon in the 3D Model Layer sidebar on the right side of your screen.

    1. The Slide preview will reflect the selected or deselected Layers:

      1. The grey eye icon with a slash through it indicates the Text Layer will be hidden.

      2. The white eye icon with no slash through it indicates the Text Layer will be visible.

  2. Click Save or Save As to save your changes.

Delete a Label

  1. From the 3D Layers list on the right side of your screen, locate the Text Layer you want to delet​e. From there, there are two ways to delete a Label:

    1. Right-click the Layer from the 3D Layers list and click Delete:

    2. Click on the Layer from the 3D Layers list and hit Delete on your keyboard

  2. Click Save or Save As to save your changes.

Best Practices

  • Any Label that you add to a 3D Model will apply to any other slides across all other Decks that use the 3D model you're adding the Label to, but will be hidden by default. This means if you reuse a Label in another 3D Slide with another camera angle, you’ll need to make sure that Label’s position works well for all angles.

  • Labels are added to the 3D canvas which has an X,Y, and Z axis. Because of this, after moving or editing a Label it is best practice to rotate your camera to ensure the Label is positioned in an acceptable way in a variety of camera angles prior to saving it.

    • This is particularly important if you may interact with the model in a live presentation.

    • This is less important when Labels are initially created, because Labels are automatically positioned reasonably across all 3 axis based on the original camera view. However, it is still helpful to confirm the Label looks as you intend it to from multiple camera angles prior to Saving.

  • The font size of a Label is automatically set based on your zoom distance, but you can increase or decrease it as needed. However, keep in mind the font size will impact how the text looks at different zoom levels if you make drastic font size adjustments. When making big font size changes, it can be helpful to zoom in and out of the area the Label was placed to ensure it looks as it is intended to prior to saving.

  • If you hide a layer in the 3D Model editor screen, the Labels nested under that Layer will remain unless you also hide the Text Layer(s). To hide a Layer (including a Label) on the 3D Slide you are editing, click on the corresponding Layer's eye icon (see the steps above for more details). The slide preview will reflect the selected or deselected Layers so you can check that you clicked on the relevant Layer.

  • In cases where you have many discreet Layers, in order to get your new Label positioned on the correct Layer of your 3D Model, it can help to temporarily hide the other Layers that might be obstructing the Layer you are trying to nest a Label under. Then, place your new Label and ensure it nested under the intended Layer.

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