Partner Embeds - Size Requirements

Size requirements that help you increase engagement on VRIFY partner embeds

Updated over a week ago

Recommended Size

To offer visitors plenty of space to navigate and view VRIFY decks, allocate as much screen real estate as possible to VRIFY partner embeds. We recommend a minimum height of 600px and a minimum width of 1067 px. VRIFY content is best viewed in iFrames with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Limited Horizontal or Vertical Space

For pages where the minimum width and height requirements cannot be met, we recommend that Partner iFrames be provided with as much space as possible horizontally and use a 100% of the screen width.

TIP: VRIFY Decks are best viewed using a 16:9 aspect ratio (with a preference for setting the width to 100% of the available screen width)

Mobile Screens

Partner embeds are not optimized for viewing on mobile screens in landscape mode and it is recommended that visitors enter full screen mode and rotate their device to view Partner embeds in landscape mode.

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